Monday, August 27, 2007

Japanese breeze

Exploring different painting styles in facebook Graffiti.

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Gafeet the monkey

Another Graffiti done in face book took me 3 hours... it got so slow at the end im so glad it didnt time-out on me!! phewwww :) its a study of monkeys im doing in preparation for my upcomming comic book 'The adventures of Helebbes and Gafeet' watchout for that :)

My grandfather acting in a theatrical play

Today my brother was going through some of our really old pictures for some reason, and he gave me this photo telling me how much it reminded him of me...and i realized it was a picture of my grandfather performing a play on stage, living my dream :) I wish I knew him better, he passed away when i was 5 or 6, and I only knew about his artistic career a little while ago, my parents kinda kept it a secret from me so I wont get influenced as art is frowned upon where I come from(its much better now)... its weird how dreams and ambitions can be inherited from generation to a generation.

Friday, August 3, 2007

Fun with Graffiti

A graffiti drawing i did for a friend of mine...the very talented Rick Treweek.