Saturday, September 15, 2007

Doodling in Facebook Graffiti

I was listening to itunes classical fm radio channel and there was this beautiful flute piece I let myself day dream, and when I woke up I found this paining!!! weird:)
Flybot and Flybunny...thats what u get when u day dream too much;)
A very dear friend of mine..well she is all grown up now and doesnt poke her nose...most of the time;)


Anonymous said...

keep it up
Magdy ElShafee...(someone u don1t know)

Ayman Alagouza said...

Thank u so much Magdy :)
im so glad u like it !

Munin said...

I love the first picture. Music is a very big part of my life so I find creativeness through it, as you have. I certainly hope the music you were listening to inspired your colour choices (even on a subconcious level) becouse they really work well here. Nice one!