Saturday, August 11, 2007

Gafeet the monkey

Another Graffiti done in face book took me 3 hours... it got so slow at the end im so glad it didnt time-out on me!! phewwww :) its a study of monkeys im doing in preparation for my upcomming comic book 'The adventures of Helebbes and Gafeet' watchout for that :)


B said...

huh :|
l2 bgad msA :D
gamda 2wiiii

Johnny Castuciano said...

Hey Ayman, awesome stuff here! keep up the good work.

Laura Jane Hamilton said...

AWWWWWW the monkey is so cute! And super well done! You are using the medium really well.

Sarah Rifaat said...

Wow! Amazing details - can't believe you actually did that on Graffiti!